CAM Painters, Toronto house painters, interior painting, exterior painting, wallpaper installation, paint sheen

Toronto condo interior


This is a question I get all the time. Interior paint ranges from flat to eggshell to semi-gloss with some variations in between.

Lower sheen paint shows less imperfections in the surface, but it is less washable than a higher sheen. Higher sheen paint is more scuff resistant and washable, but it tends to show surface imperfections more than a lower sheen.

Therefore, the rule of thumb is lower sheen is used for less touched areas and higher sheen is used for areas that are subject to more wear and tear.

Here are our general recommendations:

Ceilings: Flat in main living areas. Eggshell in kitchens and bathrooms where moisture and cooking would require the added wash-ability.

Walls: A top quality washable flat in lower traffic areas. In higher traffic areas we’d recommend an eggshell.

Trim: Semi-gloss or a pearl. Pearl is one step lower than semi-gloss, so it’s a little less sheen, but still durable enough for trim.

If you’d like a quote on your painting project, along with some product and sheen recommendations book a quote now!